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Version: 0.0.52

Admin Commands

Teleport player to pits

/pit <id>

idThe car ID or name of the player to be teleported

Kick player

/kick <id> <reason>
/kick_id <id> <reason>

idThe car ID or name of the player to be kicked
reasonOptional, will display a reason on why the player was kicked.

Ban player

/ban <ID> <reason>
/ban_id <ID> <reason>

idThe car ID or name of the player to be banned
reasonOptional, will display a reason on why the player was banned.

Set server time

/settime <time>

timeTime (HH:mm), for example /settime 13:45

Set weather configuration

/setweather <weatherId>

weatherIdThe ID of the weather specified in the server_cfg.ini
For example, if you want to use WEATHER_0, type /setweather 0

Get a list of CSP weather types


Set weather type

/setcspweather <weatherType> <transitionDuration>

weatherTypeWeatherFX type (list of possible values)
transitionDurationHow long the weather transition should take (seconds), only functional when EnableWeatherFx is set to true in extra_cfg.yml

Force headlights for a player

/forcelights <on/off> <id>

on/offOn = Active forcing of headlights, Off = Disable forcing of headlights
idThe car ID or name of the player

NOTE: Forcing headlights for a player will still give him the opportunity to turn on/off his lights locally. His lights will however appear turned on for all other players.

Show player information (IP address, Steam profile)

/whois <id>

idThe car ID or name of the player

Change a configuration value

/set <key> <value>

keyName of the configuration field
valueNew value

Values in server_cfg.ini are prefixed with Server., values in extra_cfg.yml with Extra..
Not all values can be changed at runtime.


Only use this for testing! All changes made with this command will be lost after a server restart.


/set Server.Name Start 123 - changes Server name to Start 123
/set Extra.AiParams.MinAiSafetyDistanceMeters 100 - set minimum distance between AI cars to 100 meters
/set Extra.AiParams.SplineHeightOffsetMeters 0.2 - set spline height offset to 0.2 meters

Whitelist a SteamID

/whitelist <guid>

guidThe SteamID of the player