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Version: 0.0.34


Plugin to reserve car models and slots for "reserved" players. Only players with SteamIDs listed in the configured user groups will be allowed to join on these slots.
It is possible to sync user groups from AssettoServer Hub, see here.


Enable the plugin in extra_cfg.yml

- PatreonReservedSlotsPlugin

Example configuration (add to bottom of extra_cfg.yml)

# List of entry list slots that are always reserved. Use "ReservedEntryListSlots: []" to disable
ReservedEntryListSlots: [0, 1, 2]
# Number of reserved slots. The number of unreserved slots is calculated like this: Total slots - Fixed AI slots - Reserved car model slots - Reserved slots. 0 to disable
ReservedSlotsCount: 0
# Name of user group for reserved entry list slots
ReservedEntryListSlotsUserGroup: reserved
# Name of user group for reserved slots
ReservedSlotsUserGroup: reserved