📄️ PatreonAnalyticsPlugin
Collect metrics about players and car usage
📄️ PatreonChatRolesPlugin
Change chat colors, nametag color and add name pre-/postfixes for players based on roles
📄️ PatreonHubPlugin
Connect a server to AssettoServer Hub
📄️ PatreonRaceChallengePlugin
Challenge other players to races with a TXR-like UI
📄️ PatreonReservedSlotsPlugin
Reserve car models and slots for "reserved" players
📄️ PatreonSafetyRatingPlugin
Calculate a safety rating based on driven distance and collisions
📄️ PatreonSpeedTrapPlugin
Enable the speed traps on Shutoko Revival Project
📄️ PatreonTimingPlugin
Define multiple timed stages per track
📄️ PatreonTwitchChatPlugin
Link in-game chat to the chat of a Twitch channel