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Version: 0.0.55



Enable the plugin in extra_cfg.yml

- VotingPresetPlugin

Example configuration

# Reconnect clients instead of kicking when restart is initiated. 
# Please disable reconnect with varying entry lists in the presets
ReconnectEnabled: true
# Enable Voting
VoteEnabled: true
# Number of choices players can choose from at each voting interval
VoteChoices: 3
# Will preset/track change randomly with equal odds if no vote has been counted
ChangePresetWithoutVotes: false
# Whether the current preset/track should be part of the next vote.
IncludeStayOnTrackVote: true
# Whether to skip the comparison of the starting entry list to the presets entry lists.
SkipEntryListCheck: false
# How often a cycle/vote takes place. Minimum 5, Default 90
VotingIntervalMinutes: 90
# How long the vote stays open. Minimum 10, Default 300
VotingDurationSeconds: 300
# How long it takes before notifying. Minimum 0, Default 10
DelayTransitionDurationSeconds: 0
# How long it takes to change the preset/track after notifying. Minimum 2, Default 5
TransitionDurationSeconds: 5
# Preset specific settings
# The cfg/ directory is always ignored for the presets pool.
# The name that is displayed when a vote is going on or the preset is changing
Name: <Please change me>
# Is this preset part of the voting, Admins can still change to this track.
VotingEnabled: true